Panda Home Care is committed to helping those in our care live their lives to the fullest extent while remaining at home for as long as safely possible. Live-In care is our most comprehensive service for those who need around-the-clock support. Depending on the customized plan of care designed at the initial home visit, the live-in care aide's responsibilities would be tailored exactly to your needs. If the desired is to remain at home for as long as possible, Live In Care Services are quintessential towards that goal.

24 Hour Live In Care:
  For One Client:
   $392.40 daily for 2 workers rotating weekly
   $416.40 daily for 1 worker full time
  For Two Clients:
   $416.40 daily for 2 workers rotating weekly
   $440.40 daily for 1 worker full time

The live-in caregiver is involved with daily life activities including everything under:

Call us today to learn more about our 24 Hour Live-In services.

We Can Help You Remain At Home.

live in care glastonbury and hew haven pa